Aún no tenemos significados para "take the vessel".
1Facing difficult weather conditions, they are trying to take the vessel to an Italian port.
2If they resist, it is mutiny; and if they succeed, and take the vessel, it is piracy.
3Next day the crew, now only fourteen in number, repulsed an attempt made in canoes to take the vessel by boarding, and killed Karaka.
4When the weather moderated, I directed the captain to take the vessel into the outer roadstead that I might sail as soon as possible.
5The sailing-master announced that he had orders to take the vessel back to her port-withno other explanation than that the cruise was over.
6All idea of taking the vessel from the Cape Verds was abandoned.
7The Russians, having given warning, would be justified in taking the vessel.
8Putnam proffered his services, declaring he could take the vessels in short order.
9The man took the vessel from me and replaced it underground.
10As Paaker took the vessel from her looked at the laurel leaf, she said:
11This will lead them to suppose that you have taken the vessel without assistance.
12As soon as the current took the vessel's hull with force, the cable parted.
13The soldiers had taken the vessel on December 18.
14The soldiers had taken the vessel on Dec. 18.
15He learned how to take the vessels apart, and was fascinated by their complex structure.
16King Inge took the vessels, and sailed with them outside of the isles to Viken.
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