Specific language terminology.
1The term of art is just a way to get you to pay attention to it.
2So what's the current term of art?
4And that gives a new definition to "remote piloting," the preferred term of art for drone controlling.
5It's a cheap salesman's term of art, something you'd use to pitch a television program or a breakfast cereal.
6Your suspect could be a premeditated liar-orfuckhead, to use the industry term of art-butodds are he's just another asshole.
7I take greatest pleasure, however, in the spread of exaptation as a term of art in the most pervasively expressed domain of molecular evolution.
8Every hour produces instances of the necessity of terms of art.
9If it is in terms of arts practice, it's usually in a therapeutic context.
10I'm a baby growing up in United States, in terms of art learning and understanding.
11Transcript (drum set playing) In terms of art we see things.
12Western men do not think in terms of art.
13The result in terms of art was chaos.
14It is an expression- a termof art.
15Brownstein: The Sandman helped define what a contemporary graphic novel series looks like in terms of art and commerce.
16The delightful movement is that of the subject, in this case kept alive through its subtle translation into terms of art.
Translations for term of art