1After striking the sand, the ant jumps completely out of the pit.
2So the grasshoppers, having money, sought out and quickly purchased the ant.
3What is true of the ant is specially true of our bacteria.
4It also aroused the ant-like efficiency of the Sinn Féin electoral machine.
5If the ant-hill is submerged, do not seek to enter it again.
6There he cautiously returned the ant to the tiny blades of grass.
7Then he realized that when the ant spoke its mouth didn't move.
8Seconds later, the ant turned around and disappeared back into the mask.
9I used to be the grasshopper in the fable-nowI am the ant.
10Talavera and his colleagues analysed the ant's age and evolutionary tree.
11Yes, it has cousins; the ant-lion and caddis-fly both belong to this family.
12It's as if the ant views everything through an increasingly powerful magnifying glass.
13Whatever it takes to get the ant to disgorge its food.
14It classes him with the ant, the beaver, and the monkey.
15Lowering his hand, he let the ant clamber onto his glove.
16Each day, the ant colony will march closer to Great Nest.