Treatise on horsemanship by Xenophon.
1Wesreidau climbed down from his sidecar to talk to the cavalry commander.
2Julian ordered Cella and his staff cashiered; only the cavalry commander was let off.
3At night Martal, and sometimes the cavalry commander Hegil, visited after the evening meal.
4But the cavalry commander, no less than his brigade, proposed to interpret these instructions freely.
5George Armstrong Custer, the cavalry commander, lived in one of the houses here before his fateful Last Stand.
6As they turned away, Nait heard the cavalry commander asking Brill, 'So, have you ever been to Falar then?'
7My chief of staff Lupicinus, who had replaced Sallust, was arrogant and ignorant, while Sintula, the cavalry commander, was hardly company.
8It appeared to the cavalry commander that the Dervishes would actually succeed, and their success must involve the total destruction of the Camel Corps.
9The manner of covering the movement rested with the cavalry commander.
10The cavalry commander, however, was at some distance from the field.
11The cavalry commander spoken of by the historian is probably identical with the poet.
12The movement was shrewd and daring, but the cavalry commander met it with admirable skill.
13Outside the Cavalry Commander was having trouble with Sweeney, his minstrel follower, an expert banjo player.
14The cavalry commander rode off with his troop.
15The withdrawal from under the supervision of the Cavalry Commander will always remain at the discretion of the Corps Commander.
16The hardest part of poor Jack's burden was the seizure of Barney, who was marched off by the cavalry commander.