We have no meanings for "thrown when" in our records yet.
1 Swords were brandished, magics were unleashed, and punches were thrown when only close quarters would do.
2 Woody wasn't even slightly thrown when I asked why so many homeless people congregated in Santa Monica.
3 That night he dreamed of the feast Ned Stark had thrown when King Robert came to Winterfell.
4 One of the best lines I ever heard was thrown when I was at Delehanty, Kurnit & Geller.
5 Monday 16 September 2019 Bulelwa is thrown when she receives a veiled warning.
6 Lieutenant Andrews was thrown when riding out from Lisbon with a despatch last night, and broke a leg.
7 The PSNI said two petrol bombs were thrown when a crowd of nationalist youths gathered in the Twaddell Avenue area.
8 Owing to some peculiarity in the construction of the mess room this shadow was always thrown when the candles were lighted.
9 While they were there, the writer attempted to ride the same horse and was almost thrown when he jumped a wall.
10 The annual ritual by fans of the Calgary Hitmen sees teddies thrown when the first goal in the second period is scored.
11 Approximately 500 people were partying on the beach and a number of stones and rocks were thrown when asked to leave by gardaí.
12 Friday 12 April 2019 Lehasa is thrown when Dr Moremi arrives at his engagement dinner and immediately goes off script.
13 Perhaps the reader will remember the intense excitement into which the city was thrown when Eliza Jane, a colored woman, was served with a subpœna.
14 They are also good thrown when drained into the frying pan with some dripping, pepper and salt, and heated a few minutes over the fire.
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