Someone new to a field or activity.
Examples for "tira"
Examples for "tira"
1Her voice does seem so to rise in air, shaking its wings, and crying tira-la!
2I almost feel prompted to kick up my heels, throw a summerset, and, while turning on my axis, give her an echo of tira-la!
3Do you wish to take the port or starboard side, Tira?
4She feared not, for Tira herself seldom went to the city.
5He also co-produced the smash hit Amerido with DJ Tira.
1As for Aristotle, that tiro in all arts was a tiro here too.
2The part taken by Rowley in this play is easy for any tiro in criticism to verify.
3She was a member of the kawariki group that came up with the idea for the tiro rangatiratanga flag.
4Even the cab-driving tiro must sit for awhile on the box, and learn something of the streets, before he can ply for a fare.
5Tiro was a slave; but this must be taken with some explanation.
6Tiro has been dealt with as he deserved, as any similar fool deserves.
7Tiro is said to have written a life of his master.
8Poor Tiro and Gideon... he shook his head with exaggerated remorse.
9This comes in the wake of the events that recently unfolded at Thuto-Tiro High School.
10He is here taking care of Mustela and Tiro, he is not anxious about himself.
11The ailing di Tiro is descended from a family with close ties to Aceh's former sultans.
12The letters to Tiro fill one of the sixteen books of "Letters to Friends."
13You, Titus Salienus, Marcus Tiro, Caius Clusinas, centurions, obtained your commissions by favor, not by merit.
14'A consolation for the loss of Tiro and Gideon?' Balbus asked ironically.
15Gideon and Tiro here are going to fuck you -Jewsand Romans-what can I tell you?
16Tiro is not to spare any expense.