Combination of visuals and sound elements used in films and television programs in which is presented title, and key production and cast-member names and details.
Ver más 1 Even the title sequence feels like about 10 movies' worth of work.
2 When the opening title sequence began, I started to shake with excitement.
3 But what really sticks in the brain is the great title sequence .
4 The title sequence of the second series is a thing of absolute beauty.
5 Because Lost knew that an elaborate opening title sequence was essentially wasted space.
6 Kehe: I was kinda hoping they'd redesign the title sequence again this season.
7 Just watching the game's title sequence can give you a serious hormone imbalance!
8 He even designed the title sequence for his sophomore feature, WC.
9 Anyone who remembers the title sequence at the start of each episode of those shows?
10 There's no award honoring the designer of the best part of a movie: the title sequence .
11 That insanely off-putting title sequence , all discordant free-jazz and upside-down presidents and snatches of garbled speech.
12 The title sequence was a work of art -even if it was a bit too long.
13 The opening- title sequence , easily the best thing in the movie, deliciously mimics those in James Bond movies.
14 And then there was that title sequence .
15 Give him a sketch show) and the title sequence ?
16 But it's best known movie appearance is in the super title sequence for Tarantino's 1997 film Jackie Brown.
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