Mechanical device consisting of a light balanced arm that carries the cartridge.
Examples for "pickup"
Examples for "pickup"
1The pickup was reported stolen last year in Mexico City, authorities said.
2I really think phishing is more effective than saying a pickup line.
3Ford said industry sales of full-size pickup trucks were up 20 percent.
4The pickup comes four months ahead of the third-season premiere in June.
5I'll tell you everything tomorrow morning when we deal with our pickup.
1The victor with the biggest head in the world puts the pickup arm on the record, but nothing happens.
2"I'm going, dear." She lifted the pickup arm and set it aside and switched off the talking-book machine as she went on speaking.
1The custom tone arm is also stabilized by magnets.
2Ricky lifted the tone arm, put it on its support and turned the machine off.
3The record ends, the automatic turntable lifts the needle, and the tone arm drops onto its rest.
4The S-shaped tone arm is fully adjustable.
5I pointed to Donald, who was bent over his record player with the tone arm raised, ready to stick the groove.
6My ribs stuck out, and my normally well- toned arms were thin.
7She also likes to show off her well- toned arms, and is often photographed sleeveless.
8The woman inclined her head, the blonde hair tumbling down her tiny, toned arm.
9First Lady Michelle Obama is well known for her healthy physique, especially her toned arms.
10Climbing Benefits Tones arms and shoulders.
11We all know the former First Lady loves to exercise, but would you just look at her toned arms?
12We won't even talk about where you could possibly think your thighs, flat tummy, and toned arms could even come from.
13For toned arms: 150m of breaststroke pulls (this means using the arms only), using a pull buoy between your legs.
14"Yowza, it's a grumpy-ass town," Richie said, and took the tone arm off the record.
15Crew gloves and Reed Krakoff boots), Mrs. Obama stunned, as expected, showing off her lovely toned arms and statuesque frame.
16With a glass of champagne in one hand, she raised her other very- toned arm over her head while giving a sultry look.