Aún no tenemos significados para "totally unexpected".
1Surprised-possiblyeven flabbergasted-byJack's totally unexpected anger, Smokey backed up a step.
2The cafe was a welcome surprise, totally unexpected in the Scottish heartland.
3Because of that, we are confident the attack will be totally unexpected.
4The words were so totally unexpected that Avery literally gasped with astonishment.
5The gesture, so totally unexpected, opened the last floodgates of Kim's heart.
6The words were totally unexpected, and they brought tears to Talon's eyes.
7My arrival at Paris, though so much wished for, was totally unexpected.
8So she took the horse's tail, when a totally unexpected thing happened.
9Zoe had sure as hell been one of those totally unexpected pitches.
10It was a crazy idea, and totally unexpected, but what the hell.
11He looked up in blank surprise at the question-itwas so totally unexpected.
12These shells were totally unexpected, coming from the Hooge district, 11 miles distant.
13They were a totally unexpected arrival, and caused the more sensation in consequence.
14After they got back to the Junction the totally unexpected happened.
15So, a few totally unexpected outriders are sure to join the leading pack.
16Her answer came upon him with the force of a shock totally unexpected.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Totally unexpected a través del tiempo
Totally unexpected por variante geográfica
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