A truck equipped to hoist and pull wrecked cars (or to remove cars from no-parking zones)
1Earl gets Art to tow car and narrator ends up in the dining room of a Holiday Inn, with no one to blame but himself.
2Run an audit on every towed car that clerk ran.
3He won't park by a hydrant even though they don't tow cars away that far downtown.
4She was getting reports on towed cars.
5By looking up towed cars...?
6We've had to get out of the truck half a dozen times to tow cars out of our path.
7When they tow cars they take them over to that pier on the Hudson and wait for the owner to turn up.
8Hifumi didn't want his girlfriend to be in the towed car so he had her ride with Yuichi in his car instead.
9On his business card he offered to " tow cars and trucks"-servicenumber twenty-two ,listedbetween "collecting bones" and "playing horns and drums."