You have brought with you tramontane creatures whose presence is an affront to the unsullied Earth.
You will surrender the tramontane conveyances to us.
Nay, even countries as presumptuously disdainful of tramontane literature as Italy took an interest in this memorable undertaking.
When I found myself in the streets, I scarcely could believe that I was in Italy, for everything had a tramontane appearance.
Colonel Robertson, Captain Clonder, Captain Brooke, Mr. Haward, Mr. Beverley, Dr. Robinson, Mr. Fontaine, Mr. Todd, Mr. Mason,-allof the Tramontane Order.
"What the hell is a tramontane?"
"Yes, Paganel, it is the north wind-a wind which causes many a crime in the Pampas, as the TRAMONTANE does in the Campagna of Rome."