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Significados de treat pneumonia en inglés
Aún no tenemos significados para "treat pneumonia".
Uso de treat pneumonia en inglés
The medicine is commonly used to treatpneumonia, urinary tract infections and acne.
Sputum culture did not influence the decision to treatpneumonia.
Conclusion: The decision to treatpneumonia is based on temperature, leukocyte count and pulmonary radiography findings.
Three days of azithromycin was more convenient and cost effective than the comparators used to treatpneumonia.
Therefore, targeting dysphagia and aspiration to treatpneumonia is a promising strategy and anti-aspiration drugs will be a part of pneumonia treatment.
A guideline was developed to support decision-making about whether or not to treatpneumonia curatively in psychogeriatric (demented) nursing home patients.
Hydroxychloroquine is a medication usually used to treat malaria and lupus, while azithromycin is an antibiotic that can be used to treatpneumonia.
On the other hand, "broad spectrum" antibiotics, which are often used to treatpneumonia, can wipe out a wide range of bacteria.