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Significados de true culprit en inglés
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Uso de true culprit en inglés
Supreme injustice; for the trueculprit is, in such cases, the instigator!
The trueculprit may be how the government is implementing its uber-green energy policy.
He carried the trueculprit in his arms, and laid her gently on her bed.
The other woman unafraid of him was Rose herself, as she alone knew the trueculprit.
I'll ferret this thing out, till I find the trueculprit, or my name's not Judith.
I am now ready to join Mr. Gryce, heart and soul, in finding out the trueculprit.
No; Mr. Durand would never be completely exonerated till the trueculprit was found and all explanations made.
The trueculprit is liberalism, the unbelief of the age, which has let the devil loose in our house.
I know it, for I know the trueculprit, and I am in a position to prove your innocence.
And since even Doll believed that tobacco was unlikely to be the trueculprit, the net of associations was spread widely.
The informant will be present, and will produce testimony that will vindicate Warden Morgan and identify the trueculprit of the crime.
If we don't have the trueculprit by then, they won't screw around for long, and the midwife will be done for.
I am the honest man whom a legal error unjustly doomed to death twenty-five years ago in the place of the trueculprit!
There was some talk of expelling him for aiding and abetting in the trueculprit's escape, and for refusing to tell who it was.
He also suggested a lack of liquidity was the trueculprit behind Lehman's demise: You have to have enough liquidity to ride out the storm.
Despite that, Trump repeatedly denied that Russia had any involvement with the email hacking, suggesting China or a 400-pound man might be the trueculprit.