Aún no tenemos significados para "tufted eyebrows".
1The Doge drew his tufted eyebrows together in utter astonishment.
2Jonas paused in the act of shuffling his cards and looked at him, tufted eyebrows raised.
3They shone, brilliant and keen, from beneath great tufted eyebrows, above which waved a very lion's mane of rough, dark hair.
4His yellow eyes, clear as those of a tiger, glittered beneath their tufted eyebrows and never had his glance been so incisive.
5His cheerfulness had vanished, his tufted eyebrows were raised, and his pinched lips seemed unwilling to part, when at length he reluctantly said:
6He had a small, wizened face, to which the unkempt hair, tufted eyebrows, and straggling whiskers gave a strong resemblance to a Skye terrier dog.
7"Cheer up, lad," said the Champion, glancing across from under his tufted eyebrows at the disconsolate face of his companion.
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