1Given current political and cultural factors, those concerned to protect unborn human life should accept it.
2Madam, - Many Catholics don't really believe that abortion is the taking of an innocent unborn human life.
3There is unborn human life within Article 40.3.3 once there is conception, counsel argued.
4De Soya tries to imagine what an unborn human soul would learn from direct contact with those disembodied, soulless intelligences.
5The operation, described in the Lancet medical journal, was the first to repair a spina bifida lesion in an unborn human baby.
6How unspeakably sad and how grievously sinful that such catastrophic destruction of innocent unborn human life is permitted, and now even lauded!
7The spectacle of millions of unborn human beings being ravaged in abortion clinics around the world each year strikes many of us as an abomination.
Translations for unborn human