Mr Botten said more than 10 trillion cubic feet is available to underwritenew investments in the Elk Antelope field.
They also plan to underwritenew power generation and will conduct a feasibility study into a new coal fired power station in Queensland.
The volume of technology loans has raised some concern that banks may not be able to underwritenew deals, particularly given recent market volatility.
For years, non-bank lenders were accustomed to depositors renewing their GICs, giving them a constant supply of low-cost funds required to underwritenew mortgages.
One of them is to stop the government from underwritingnew coal-fired power.
But it is hardly worth battling local brokers in underwritingnew issues or share dealing.
It follows French peer Scor, which last year said it would stop underwritingnew thermal coal mines.
DVB is for now not underwritingnew financing for India-registered aircraft, the German lender said in a statement.
This paid off for a while, particularly with underwritingnew share sales (IPOs) in the developing world.
Banks prefer underwritingnew deals but admit that private equity firms are opting for the cheapest route to save costs.
The Commissioner of Insurance of the State of Wisconsin has prevented Ambac from underwritingnew business since it emerged from bankruptcy in 2013.