She would be a star fixed in his sky, object of his undesiring worship.
She had that pitiful spindly nakedness which is embarrassing because it is not erotic; because it is artless and undesiring.
I trod air; no doubt, no fear, no hope even, disturbed me; I clasped with my soul the fulness of contentment, satisfied, undesiring, beatified.
"Really," he said, "you and I in our old age might be hero and heroine of a little romance-theundesiring objects of a hopeless affection!"
Uso de undesirous en inglés
He paused suddenly, undesirous of letting the rascal see that he knew too much.
I declare myself not only undesirous of it, but deeply conscious of a constitutional unfitness for it.
Only be sure you have enough," I added, "for I am very undesirous to meet with you again."
I was therefore not undesirous of keeping the half-engagement I had made with Mrs Wilson, but it was not she that drew me.
The route by the Isthmus, on the other hand, allured the impatient, the reckless, and those who were unaccustomed to and undesirous of hardships.
The insincerity of prefaces arises whenever an author would disguise his solicitude for his work, by appearing negligent, and even undesirous of its success.
'I stood up softly, undesirous of disturbing my companions, but with my heart beating now rather more rapidly with surprise and excitement.
"The imp may be very ugly to view; and if you once set eyes upon him you might be very undesirous of the bottle."