Aún no tenemos significados para "unimportant matter".
1It was such an unimportant matter that I didn't think to mention it.
2It was really an unimportant matter, but it appeared very important to Sylvia Bailey.
3Alternatively, you could feel that a seemingly unimportant matter has eclipsed a more important issue.
4We are not now treating of an unimportant matter.
5That, doubtless, will appear an unimportant matter; but it may become important under certain peculiar conditions.
6It was not worth while to quarrel over the comparatively unimportant matter of Aunt Jane's invitation.
7Thinking it some unimportant matter, but yet wondering why Patience should appear so urgent, Amabel complied.
8To you who are beginning the work of life, the mastery of technique may seem a comparatively unimportant matter.
9Still, he was only too glad to humor Selma in such an unimportant matter, especially as he was eager for her happiness.
10In spite of a determination to omit unimportant matter and to be concise, this volume has swelled out far beyond what was originally intended.
11It was really a very unimportant matter, but he loved to feel, even in his idle moments, that he was not altogether wasting his time.
12They talked and conversed about very unimportant matters, and laughed and joked.
13I feared the delay-possiblythe interference-Butwhy discuss these unimportant matters!
14In all unimportant matters, style, not sincerity, is the essential.
15He is often obliged to bow to the wishes of the public in unimportant matters.
16After refreshments of tea and rice-cakes, they discussed various unimportant matters, Fukiya talking very freely.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Unimportant matter a través del tiempo
Unimportant matter por variante geográfica