The UnitedDemocraticParty holds nine seats in the parliament, which has 15 elected members.
Officials from Bush's UnitedDemocraticParty were meeting to determine how the government will proceed, according to a party statement.
Henceforth all hope of reconciliation, atonement, or chance of Presidential nomination by the unitedDemocraticparty was out of the question.
UnitedDemocraticParty leaders met late into Sunday night and resumed their meetings on Monday, according to participants who did not want to be identified.
Officials from Bush's UnitedDemocraticParty are examining the impact of his arrest on the government, according to a statement from Deputy Premier Julianna O'Connor-Connolly.
Including those from the ruling UnitedDemocraticParty, 11 lawmakers from the 15-member Legislative Assembly signed a letter calling for the vote.