Lactate and pyruvate content was determined by enzymatic methods usinglactate dehydrogenase.
Cytotoxic effects were determined usinglactate dehydrogenase release assay.
Cytotoxicity was assessed usinglactate dehydrogenase assays, and morphological changes were observed using phase contrast microscopy.
Previous studies usinglactate as a substrate, however, showed that both gluconeogenesis and oxidative responses were decreased in LS.
Conclusions: A predictive model for distinguishing disseminated histoplasmosis from MAC infection was developed usinglactate dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase levels as well as WBC count.
Usinglactate as the electron donor and carbon source, and sulfate as the electron acceptor, wild type D. vulgaris shows motility on soft agar plates.