Repository usually within the Usenet system, for messages posted from many users in different locations.
Examples for "newsgroup"
Examples for "newsgroup"
1These announcements are also posted to the Usenet newsgroup called comp.archives.msdos.announce .
2They're the folks who read a newsgroup but never post or respond.
3For example, ne.housing is a newsgroup where New Englanders look for apartments.
4Obviously, this is a good newsgroup to begin your exploration of Usenet!
5If already on the last page, displays the first article in the newsgroup.
1The following year saw the birth of, a usenet newsgroup that allowed fans to share, among other things, their freeze-frame discoveries.
2These announcements are also posted to the Usenet newsgroup called comp.archives.msdos.announce .
3A multidirectional connection between backup-related Usenet newsgroups, mailing lists, and phpBB forums.
4There are hundreds of mailing lists and Usenet newsgroups dedicated to health topics.
5Alternately, look for the bulletins in the Usenet newsgroup east-europe.rferl.
6CFV (Call For Votes) Initiates the voting period for a Usenet newsgroup.
7Also posted as an FAQs to the Usenet newsgroup news.answers.
8It posts similar information in the biz.oreilly.announce Usenet newsgroup.
9Usenet newsgroup votes had been running for more than twenty years without a substantial hitch.
10Signal-to-noise The amount of useful information to be found in a given ratio Usenet newsgroup.
11No active participation by a subscriber to a mailing list, a conference, or Usenet newsgroup.
12Sometimes, you'll have an issue you think should be discussed in more than one Usenet newsgroup.
13It is also posted as a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) to the Usenet newsgroup alt.bbs.
14A list of FAQ documents is posted every four to six weeks to the Usenet newsgroup news.announce.newusers.
15Post To compose a message for a Usenet newsgroup and then send it out for others to see.
16Aside: Usenet newsgroup FAQ's are archived at "".
Translations for usenet newsgroup