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Significados de utilize for en inglés
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Uso de utilize for en inglés
He only desired to utilizefor improvement what he recognised as false.
It is a protective coloration children utilizefor their safety.
Accept responsibility for any information you utilizefor practicing.
These databases are resources that researchers can utilizefor making predictions and developing testable hypotheses.
He also desired to utilizefor public instruction the educational talents which woman undoubtedly possesses.
We are cunning, shrewd, and we possess money which we know how to utilizefor our purposes.
No administration would more eagerly utilizefor these programs all the resources they require than the administration that started them.
Always be looking for features on the face to utilizefor balance or a good rest with hands or feet.
The two frame cottages, already mentioned, had been finished and furnished, and these we intended to utilizefor the present.
We utilizefor Europe herself, and send back to her in its first available shape, much of what her students produce.
Studies have shown that pharmacological vitamin C targets many of the mechanisms that cancer cells utilizefor their survival and growth.
Regadenoson may be a useful coronary hyperemia agent to utilizefor pediatric patients following arterial switch procedure when there is concern for ischemia.
DC-SIGN is a C-type lectin expressed by dendritic cells that HIV-1 may bind and utilizefor enhanced infection of T cells in trans.
On the contrary, the close-feeding sheep and the cow and ox utilizefor man millions of acres of vegetation which would otherwise be useless.
Since virtually all people have endogenous antibodies against tetanus toxoid (TTd), such commonly occurring antibodies are promising candidates to utilizefor immune modulation.
How can they utilizefor such a purpose the power so recently acquired, the wealth, the influence, the consideration they enjoy, in their new country?