Aún no tenemos significados para "utterly defenseless".
1His favorite human was at ground level in the prone position, utterly defenseless.
2The Inca and his attendants were wholly unprepared, being unarmed and utterly defenseless.
3Poor thing as it was, she felt no longer utterly defenseless.
4In other words, I am utterly defenseless against the cold.
5Understandably, whenever I shuffle, I am rendered utterly defenseless and subject to mood swings.
6Dickie, caught unawares by superior strength, was utterly defenseless.
7All of which made me feel utterly defenseless.
8Past harm, but seeming utterly defenseless.
9Are they utterly defenseless?
10Of course the animal fell back, and down went the torch on the rocks below, and Dick was now utterly defenseless.
11In either event, a swimming man is the most utterly defenseless of all creatures against attack from land or from boat.
12It begged the Frenchman to tell the Spaniards that Frederica was in an utterly defenseless state, and to bring them on to an attack.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Utterly defenseless a través del tiempo