Drug used to cause dilation of the blood vessels.
Examples for "vasodilator"
Examples for "vasodilator"
1No significant change in oxygen requirement was seen with vasodilator therapy initiation.
2When given via the inhaled route it is a selective pulmonary vasodilator.
3H is not useful as an adjunct vasodilator therapy for CILD-PH patients.
4Prostacyclin is a powerful vasodilator and inhibits platelet adhesion and cell growth.
5PGI2 acts as a vasodilator and a potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation.
1Abolition of exercise-induced arrhythmias was maintained during chronic treatment with oral coronary vasodilators.
2Thirteen received PG as monotherapy or in combination with oral vasodilators.
3Endothelin converting enzyme inhibitors and receptor antagonists may have therapeutic potential as vasodilators.
4However, the relative importance of and potential interactions between these 2 vasodilators remain unexplored.
5Background: Pulmonary vasodilators improve the functional capacity of some patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension.
1However, the reduction in relaxation response to prostaglandin I2 was significantly less than that to the other vasodilator agents.
1It belongs to a group of vasodilator drugs called nitrates used to relieve the pain of angina attacks.
1However, the reduction in relaxation response to prostaglandin I2 was significantly less than that to the other vasodilator agents.
Translations for vasodilator agents