Aún no tenemos significados para "vast dining".
1The vast dining-hall, with its palatial decoration, impressed my inexperience very strongly.
2We dined in an alcove, screened from the vast dining-room.
3There's a vast dining room-cum-boardroom with comfy blue airline chairs that seats 14 people.
4The vast dining-room of the Crustacean Hotel at Greyport, U. S., was empty and desolate.
5They had taken their seats in the vast dining room, the windows of which looked out on the park.
6There are no great dormitories where hundreds sleep, and no vast dining-room where they march in to the goose-step.
7Grouped in the recesses between the guns, they chatted and laughed like rows of convivialists in the boxes of some vast dining-saloon.
8The hotel has a vast dining-room, besides the minor eating-rooms for children and nurses, a large ballroom, and a drawing-room of imposing dimensions.
9A valet-de-chambre in black opened the doors of a vast dining-room, whither every one went without ceremony, and took his place at an enormous table.
10Just as the mayor's wife was ushering her guests into a vast dining-room (without any fire) the lieutenant of gendarmes arrived with an anxious air.
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