Infection by herpes simplex virus (HSV) of the genitals.
Examples for "herpes"
Examples for "herpes"
1Nevertheless, neonatal herpes is not reportable to health authorities in most states.
2Conventional Remedy: Cold sores are caused by a virus called herpes simplex.
3Conclusion: Targeted HSV testing would miss a substantial proportion of neonatal herpes.
4And in the prevention studies, doctors were trying to completely suppress herpes.
5The three ophthalmic herpes zoster cases were less than 30 and homosexual.
1A computer-assisted questionnaire was used to assess risk behaviors associated with genital herpes.
2The clinical scoring system showed 115 cases of primary genital herpes.
3The effectiveness of this approach for identifying women with genital herpes is unknown.
4Signs and symptoms of genital herpes were recorded by the participants and clinician.
5Type 2 causes genital herpes but can also infect the mouth.
1Conclusions: Asymptomatic genital herpes simplex type 2 is more common than type 1.
2Objective: To determine the risk of sexual transmission of genital herpes simplex virus (HSV) in heterosexual couples.
Translations for venereal herpes