Voting in Barcelona, Spain's second-largest city, also was veryfragmented.
It's just a veryfragmented, not very informative set.
He said the private rented sector was veryfragmented, with many "mom and pop" landlords.
ROLL-UP STRATEGY Still, the solar installation market is veryfragmented, with hundreds of small companies in California alone.
However, as the industry is veryfragmented, the acquisitions "will necessarily be on a piecemeal basis".
With the consumer health market still veryfragmented, there will be opportunities to grow in future, but it will be slower.
Until now agencies and clients had to work through a veryfragmented environment of advertising networks, exchanges and direct publishers relationships.
Consumer health is veryfragmented and has proved fertile ground for deals in recent years, as ageing populations and health-conscious consumers drive demand.
Consumer health is veryfragmented and has proved fertile ground for deals in recent years, as aging populations and health-conscious consumers drive demand.
The problem in the segment is the small size of targets, sometimes owning only one or two units, in a veryfragmented sector.
Tim Bale is a professor of politics at Queen Mary University of London and says the changes leaves the European Parliament veryfragmented.
Family control also prevails among the veryfragmented Brazilian paper industry, said Fabio Schvartsman, CEO of Klabin SA, the largest Latin American paper maker.
SCA expects substantial consolidation in coming years on the veryfragmented Chinese hygiene products market and Johansson said he wanted Vinda to take part.