The traditional idea of the videogameplayer is a man playing in his bedroom, alone - but that is fast changing.
The same technique was used to hack the Sony PSP after Sony issued an update that patched the TIFF vulnerability on that videogameplayer.
The WHO decision means it believes videogameplayers can become addicted.
The music to the game Journey is a favourite for many videogameplayers.
Wii will break down that wall that separates videogameplayers from everybody else.
Now that women are such heavy videogameplayers, it's time we started being video game designers and developers, too.
Looking ahead, Courtois talked up Microsoft's Kinect technology, which lets videogameplayers control operations with a wave of their arms.
They're members of LLG -one of China's best female e-sports teams, and a highly skilled group of professional videogameplayers.
So speaking of engagement, though, obviously many many videogameplayers have passionate passionate relationships with their games and are deeply engaged.
Still, how will videogameplayers react when, during a playoff drive, their star player goes out with a game ending brain injury?
Some videogameplayers got a nasty surprise this week when they downloaded software from a popular online gaming site - the Nimda computer virus.