Aún no tenemos significados para "vigorous assent".
1Nan nodded a vigorous assent to his implied reference to her.
2To which Elsmere from inside replied with a vigorous assent.
3He seemed to communicate his fire and enthusiasm to his comrades, and soon they nodded a vigorous assent.
4His unit-mates nodded a vigorous assent.
5The lad nodded vigorous assent.
6She nodded vigorous assent.
7And her father, nodding vigorous assent, watched her go up the stairs, then with a brisk step entered the reception room.
8( Vigorous assent by look and voice from the audience.)
9"Kicked in a drum." Behind him, the drummer roused himself from his haze to nod vigorous assent.
10"He ought to know better than to discuss the Japanese problem with you," Farrel complained, and her father nodded vigorous assent.
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