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Significados de viscid fluid en inglés
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Uso de viscid fluid en inglés
The branches are flexible, black, polished and without leaves, and secrete a viscidfluid.
The glands secrete a yellowish viscidfluid, by
This is effected by drops of extremely viscidfluid surrounding the glands and by the inward movement of the tentacles.
These leaves re-expanded after two days, and the viscidfluid left on their discs was then carefully scraped off and examined.
Twelve hours afterwards the end with the albumen opened, which now consisted of a large drop of transparent, not acid, viscidfluid.
Non-nitrogenous fluids, if dense, cause the glands to pour forth a large supply of viscidfluid, but this is not in the least acid.
The leaves began to re-expand after four or five days, much viscidfluid being left on their discs, as if but little had been absorbed.
This is for the purpose of cleansing them from the viscidfluids they may have imbibed from the palmiste.
But these measurements obviously do not pretend to any strict accuracy; moreover, the drops of the viscidfluids were plainly larger than those of water.
30 m. After three days the leaves partially re-expanded, and by this time almost all the viscidfluid on their discs was absorbed.