Ornamental molding or band following the curve on the underside of an arch.
Examples for "archivolt"
Examples for "archivolt"
1Even if round, its key would have risen much higher than the key of the pointed archivolt LM.
2Hood Molding.- Aprojectingmolding over the head of an arch, as at A, forming the outer-mostmember of the archivolt.
3I believe the man who designed and the men who delighted in that archivolt to have been wise, happy, and holy.
4Let the reader look back to the archivolt I have already given out of the streets of London (Plate XIII.
5Above are numerous figures separated by various mouldings forming archivolts.
1The voussures of the three central portals are comparatively shallow.
2The voussures of the arch above contain six archangels, with curious wings, offering worship to the Infant and His Imperial Mother.
Translations for voussure