An oriental tobacco pipe with a long flexible tube connected to a container where the smoke is cooled by passing through water.
A smoking device, generally used with cannabis or tobacco, which uses water to filter out heavier particles from reaching the smoker's airways.
Examples for "bong"
Examples for "bong"
1Oh college-thosehalcyon days of young love, bong hits, and communicable diseases.
2Following the fourth bong, Aunt Klara's alto bellowed up through the floorboards.
3I had seen one too many carpet-stained, bong-infested, toilet paper-less male habitats.
4How much do you need to keep your stale water in your bong?
5Christy went downstairs at one point, and returned with her bong and weed.
1So the scheme of climbing up the water pipe came to nothing.
2There was a water pipe against the wall just outside my window.
3He laughed, while Xayide drew smoke from her water pipe and smiled.
4Significance: In recent years a water pipe gains popularity among Polish young people.
5A burst water pipe left Waihi without water yesterday for a short period.
6It pointed to previous water pipe problems earlier on that removed any flexibility.
7Mabella has just one working drinking water pipe, which often does not work.
8This is done by attaching to a gas or water pipe.
9And oh, the Croton water pipe came right across one corner of it.
10How quickly will they be on the scene if, say, a water pipe bursts?
11Falling temperatures, gusts of wind, having a new water pipe installed in the kitchen.
12Most of the time she smoked her Oriental water pipe.
13A burst water pipe caused a fountain-like spray in Gateshead.
14A water pipe had burst, twenty had already been drowned.
15Jack came out of the bedroom with the water pipe.
16Up and up the rain- water pipe went the nimble Mappo.
Translations for water pipe