Having a lot of money and possessions.
Examples for "rich"
Examples for "rich"
1Sunday Times UK rich list for 2019: The richest people in Britain.
2Colours look rich without being over saturated; text is crisp and clear.
3Strong commodity markets and good valuations also favor Canada's resource-rich equity markets.
4One rich family considered my proposal seriously for a couple of days.
5A new report from Credit Suisse is not your usual 'rich list'.
1The migrants hope to get to wealthy western Europe and find work.
2In those days, the wealthy most often received medical treatment at home.
3Yet again the common good is swept aside to benefit the wealthy.
4Right now Washington works great for the wealthy and the well connected.
5A wealthy Manhattan tycoon buys art work worth several millions of dollars.
1We, therefore, have a responsibility to others who are less well off.
2Her father's job in the military meant they were relatively well off.
3Labour has traditionally tried to represent the less well off in society.
4Not all who went to college then came from well off families.
5Never again in all probability will the peasant be so well off.
6By the close, however, most bourses were well off their afternoon lows.
7It proved to him that his friends knew he was well off.
8Sometimes he has; but he is not so well off as myself.
9And who could blame them, especially if they were not well off.
10I have always said, no; for I have been really well off.
11He heard Maria's frantic cries while he was still well off shore.
12But in terms of germanium alone, we can call ourselves well off.
13They had been offered compensation, had accepted, and were moderately well off.
14A good many of them were well off, had homes in Vancouver.
15Someone I know had one and is living very well off it.
16The average buyer is male, over 50 years old and well off.
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