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Significados de western attempt en inglés
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Uso de western attempt en inglés
Ahmadinejad said Westernattempts to isolate Iran were in vain and he criticized Russia.
Again, Westernattempts to introduce democracy appear to have been a waste of lives and money.
But the victims' families have said the case was part of a Westernattempt to undermine Muslims and Libya.
More broadly, any tougher sanctions would allow Iran's elite to point to Westernattempts to isolate Iran into capitulation.
Meanwhile, Russia has said Westernattempts to get Moscow to discuss UN-backed sanctions contained "elements of blackmail".
Relatives of the children have said the infections were part of a Westernattempt to undermine Muslims and Libya.
Karen Armstrong, Muhammad: A WesternAttempt to Understand Islam (London, 1991), pp.108-117.
The first westernattempts to get Moscow to back down over its seizure of Crimea failed on Wednesday evening.
Relatives of the sick children say the infections were part of a Westernattempt to undermine Muslims and Libya.
It ushers in a policy of "expanded nuclear containment" while pledging to resist Westernattempts to dominate the globe.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said Westernattempts to get Moscow to discuss sanctions against Syria contain "elements of blackmail".
They say that Russia will likely try to block any Westernattempt to have the Security Council sanction Syria over its nuclear program.
Some Russian officials have tried to cast WADA's behavior as part of what they say is a broader Westernattempt to hold back Moscow.
But the victims' families, who received $1 million each, have said the case was part of a Westernattempt to undermine Muslims and Libya.
Both Nicaragua and Bolivia railed against what they described as Westernattempts at "regime change", which they said was meant to undermine democratically elected governments.