Aún no tenemos significados para "whisper voices".
1The sound of whispering voices sank to a dead and painful hush.
2There were whispering voices outside the door, officers needing advice or instructions.
3Marietta was still motionless, hearkening to these whispered voices in her breast.
4He had a morbid sense of whispering voices and of averted glances.
5A moment later, the whispering voices were heard again, and steps approaching.
6Isyllt felt eyes on them, felt whispering voices too faint to hear.
7Whispering voices hissed among the stones around me, none of them intelligible.
8The cabin door opened, people entered, again he heard whispering voices.
9Dom sat with his arm around Maria, listening to whispered voices.
10From the kitchen came the persistent sound of whispering voices.
11There was a momentary silence; then a sound of shuffling feet, of whispering voices.
12Anxious faces gather round, and whispering voices inquire the cause.
13I whispered , for whispering voices are hard to tell apart:
14The face quickly dodged downward and the feet and the whispering voices moved farther away.
15She could hear whispering voices and high-pitched, muffled laughter.
16Fingers touching him, reaching forward from the whispered voices.