Aún no tenemos significados para "white oxen".
1There stood the herds of great white oxen, patiently waiting to pass in.
2This poor princess, being led like one of the white oxen to her doom!
3The big black-and- white and red-and- white oxen were tethered still.
4Some of these gaudy turn-outs are drawn by richly caparisoned, milk- white oxen, with gilded horns.
5Chariots with white oxen, all gold and tinsel.
6And the great white oxen at the plows!
7A great cart came down a side road, drawn by two white oxen with heavy wooden yokes.
8There are quantities of big white oxen, cows, and horses in the fields, but the roads are solitary.
9In Italy, I saw many white oxen, a red ox being an exception that seems seldom to occur.
10These enormous white oxen produce tender, flavorful steaks of considerable size-eachsteak can weigh upwards of 5 pounds.
11Milk- white oxen drew the chariot.
12The Kaffer servants have a story that at night a witch and two white oxen come to help us.
13Behind him, drawn by eight white oxen, was the model of a ship with the crew standing on its deck.
14In vintage time the carts, drawn by their white oxen, come creaking townward in the evening, laden with blue bunches.
15She said: I saw fair synods and white oxen and fair cornfields; behind them spotted oxen, and black oxen after these.
16To the long wagon, which had a high rack all around it, were yoked a pair of milk- white oxen, round and handsome.
Esta colocación está formada por:
White oxen a través del tiempo
White oxen por variante geográfica