An insignificant student who is ridiculed as being affected or boringly studious.
Examples for "grind"
Examples for "grind"
1They grind their points; they stir poison; they swarm in the streets.
2The 'two days before payday' grind would be easier, if not gone.
3The walnut-crusher shifts gear into a final grind-into-mush setting: Capital Laundry Services?
4Gottta love a man who knows the value of a good grind.
5The mills of the gods in the Interior Department grind very slowly.
1Years earlier, he had become a self-proclaimed coffee nerd almost by accident.
2What's the point being a nerd if you cannot learn such things?
3One player is eliminated each week in a test of nerd-related skill.
4Mitch from Real Genius: Perhaps the truest warts-and-all depiction of a nerd.
5Reuters: Do you think that being a math nerd is an advantage?
1What's the best way to protect my laptop without looking like a dweeb?
2Today I look back on pre-lockdown Romesh as some sort of caffeine-fearing dweeb.
3Allow me to become a keyboard-thumping dweeb for a few minutes.
4So I can be a dweeb loser on a different coast?
5Not on a first date, and certainly not with a dweeb like Kevin Traherne.
1He is, in other words, that person mocked by Johnson: a swot.
2He was the clear winner, beating loyal swot Hermione Granger into second place.
3You fellows swot, and I sit in the orchestra chairs.
4Even though he was a bit of a swot and not much good at games.
5Second and most importantly, I'm going to swot up on all the world history I can.
1I'm not a policy wonk, I don't know how to fix it.
2You don't have to be a game show wonk to follow it.
3One Mercedes wonk recently put driver input at 20 per cent.
4A smiling Bush connected more easily than serious super-wonk Al Gore.
5Translated from the wonk, that means no more intercontinental ballistic missiles.
6Bergmann, a Gestapo wonk, gives murderous orders from behind his desk and maps.
7When it came to privatization, wonk seemed to be working out better than swashbuckler.
8Hillary Clinton is a hugely knowledgeable policy wonk but is not a natural performer.
9Until now she's been a policy wonk, consultant and strategist.
10George turned to Mark Bowman, one of his policy wonk sidekicks at the Treasury.
11But almost immediately, he starts to wonk out with Ray Hayes, the lab's white-bearded manager.
12There are other aspects of the white paper that command the attention of a surveillance wonk.
13He's never been an engineer, a designer, a supply channel manager, or even a telecommunications wonk.
14I'm having dinner with a government statistics wonk on Wednesday, and will be sure to ask him.
15Photo: AFP One was a policy wonk, a deep thinker and with some strong conservative social views.
16We posted an article on hydrogen fuels by energy policy wonk Robert Zubrin a little while ago.