Dense, fulled, plain woven cloth, historically made of wool.
Examples for "suiting"
Examples for "suiting"
1Her first order of business was suiting up for an unpredictable mission.
2Above, suiting the shape of the chest, the lungs are somewhat conical.
3They sing in quick, short rhymes, suiting the tempo to their actions:-
4The details must be reserved for a more suiting time and place.
5He mixes classic suiting with the trendier widespread collar in various colors.
1The two statesmen were in broadcloth and white linen and beaver hats.
2And I'd shave the wild-beast skin and make the wool into broadcloth.
3They hung the church all over with black broadcloth of the best.
4Marty, Marty in broadcloth, and she had put it in his hands.
5The broadcloth and beaver of her metropolitan sisters puzzled and dismayed him.
Translations for wool broadcloth