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Significados de work collectively en inglés
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Uso de work collectively en inglés
But this is something we have to workcollectively with the public.
He said that means thinking about how to workcollectively to get economies of scale.
Takurua Tawera says the model fits Maori, mainly because they workcollectively and collaboratively together.
No group can be singled out, and we must all workcollectively to defeat it.
Now more than ever, we need to workcollectively.
The Premier said: As South Africans, we must workcollectively to build our economy and create much-needed jobs.
I suspect that the way that Jeremy makes decisions is that he takes advice and that we workcollectively.
The summit agreed to workcollectively, where appropriate, on a number of efforts to fight against misinformation, particularly around elections.
It is the most urgent threat facing our entire species, and we need to workcollectively together and stop procrastinating.
We will have to workcollectively in order to try to limit the effect that he can have, the 71-year-old added.
In a plague on all your houses, both parties are bailing water out on this one and have to workcollectively.
It shows that the enlarged European Union can continue to workcollectively and take difficult decisions on important issues affecting all Europeans.
These circumstances challenge us to workcollectively to synthesize what we do know and to define clearly what remains to be learned.
The behavior of stem cells, when they workcollectively, can be much more sophisticated than one might expect from their individual programming.
At the same time, we are continuing to workcollectively and determinedly with all constituents to successfully conclude our negotiations, the company said.
No, I watch the tidal wash of public code development online, in places where programmers gather to share their code and workcollectively on it.