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Significados de work in brick en inglés
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Uso de work in brick en inglés
They were there chained together, made to workinbrick under taskmasters, and thrown at night into a vile prison.
They weave carpets at home, workinbrick kilns as bonded labor, as tinsmiths and welders, in mines and in agriculture.
Tens of thousands of laborers are trafficked each year to workinbrick kilns to feed India's flourishing construction industry, campaigners say.
Most workinbrick kilns, said IJM in a 2017 report, though slavery is also common in other industries, including garment manufacturing.
An estimated 500,000 people migrate from this part of the state every year, more than half to workinbrick kilns.
Others workedinbrick factories in the nearby town of Nahrawan, which are now still shut.
Some 8 million of Pakistan's school-age children are spending their days not in school nurturing their minds, but workinginbrick kilns, sweatshops and fields.