Music which developed from regional cultural traditions and that is or was predominantly played and produced in these regions.
1The result: a brilliantly realized concept and a stirring world music album.
2However WOMAD founder and world music innovator Peter Gabriel won't be attending.
3What: The name gives the basics: a world music & arts festival.
4Amjad Ali Khan is one of the undisputed masters of world music.
5Irish traditional music is now a world music, like Salsa or Reggae.
6What they call world music on the BBC is full of that.
7The term ' world music' has always carried a patronising post-colonial stench to it.
8The festival programme includes world music and dance workshops for all age groups.
9Invaders of the Heart brought world music to the pop charts.
10Are you heading to Charlton Park this weekend for the world music festival?
11He thinks of world music as connecting him to his cousins.
12In March he'll be playing Adelaide's prestigious world music and dance festival Womadelaide.
13He gives us his verdict on day one of the world music festival.
14He gives us his impressions of day two at the world music festival.
15Out of that study has come a map of world music.
16But later he just went bloody silly and invented world music.
Translations for world music