Fundamental cognitive orientation of an individual or society encompassing the entirety of the individual or society's knowledge and point of view.
A comprehensive view of the world and human life.
Examples for "Weltanschauung"
Examples for "Weltanschauung"
1He abandons these seminars to study the "Weltanschauung" of the American female.
2Some even go so far as to read here an incipient Weltanschauung, a perspective and horizon of the world.
3I take a mouthful of lukewarm bunker-oil-flavored cow piss and try not to gag as my Weltanschauung strips its gears.
4A speaker of Yiddish could not get rid of their Yiddish Weltanschauung or mindset, even though they hated Yiddish and wanted to speak Hebrew.
5Weltanschauung: one's philosophy or conception of the universe and of life (cf.
1This is incompatible with the political universalisation of a secularist world view.
2It reflects the world view of a septuagenarian stuck in the past.
3If you're from Monaghan, your world view is usually limited by drumlins.
4At the core of the movie's world view are its generic underpinnings.
5This paranoid world view misses the messiness with which life actually unfolds.
6This was the first time that old, stale world view had collapsed.
7In this world view of bold colors, the black square glows orange.
8Their shared position is striking, especially given their other differences in world view.
9The latter consumers were also less likely to want their world view challenged.
10Today their world view appears to be national policy in the Reagan Administraton.
11I create my own world view, my own morality, my own reality .
12He held fast to great ideals and to an intellectually rigorous world view.
13The problem with Hayne's world view on star culture is two-fold.
14So it's more evidence of what researchers call a world view defence approach.
15It is really about the de-marginalisation within my own world view.
16PRUITT: My kids are wonderfully talented individuals and their world view is wonderful.
Translations for world view