Denoting a quantity consisting of 12 items or units.
1These words occur three times in the Bible: here, in Isaiah xii.
2This verse is condemned by other arguments than its connection with xii.
3Page xii: During Indoc, trainees are introduced to the obstacle course.
4Of the two poems, xii is more personal and more concerned with poetry.
5That there is such a sin, Jesus teaches in Matthew xii.
6The remaining books of the Laws, ix-xii, are chiefly concerned with criminal offences.
7Entered for his Copye a book intituled the fayre Queene, dyposed into xii.
8I can remember what is said on him, 2 Chronicles, xii.
9This penis is not yours, Bassus, you have sold it. Martial, xii, 99.
10This would, without hesitation, be declared a quotation from memory of Mark xii.
11The emphatic repetitions recall the original promises in Genesis xii.
12It deserves remark that in the two verses which introduce the thirteenth chapter, xii.
13How well the Shakespearean tale agrees with the word of Scripture, in Hebrews xii.
14In another way he changes genders, as when he says (O. xii.
15Then follows a simple song of gratitude for the redemption Jehovah has wrought, xii.
16The reply is to be deduced from the following double rendering of Gen. xii.