Rocket used during the first portion of a flight, either as a first stage or in parallel to the first stage.
Examples for "booster"
Examples for "booster"
1Music has been an essential morale booster for the international workers' movement.
2The event was judged a great success, and a wonderful morale booster.
3I know from personal experience that sleep is a creative juice booster.
4But sometimes even mature companies need a booster to get into orbit.
5There simply won't be enough fuel remaining to navigate the booster back.
1So it's kind of a booster rocket to help us with these initiatives.
2It will be made out of the hull of a Saturn booster rocket.
3To me, he's like the booster rocket on a space shot.
4The booster rocket flamed and fell; the warhead rocket ignited.
5Yes, they'd nicked the booster rocket; she wouldn't climb again.
1But Renuart said they are not large booster engines with substantial amounts of fuel.
1But the advent of the internet put rocket boosters under the trade.
2Its orbit appeared similar to spent rocket boosters from past space missions.
3Not these gorgeous video clips, taken directly from the Shuttle's solid rocket boosters.
4That's the company that builds the solid rocket boosters for the space shuttle.
5She held her breath, hands gripped tight, as the solid rocket boosters ignited.
Translations for zero stage