United States artist famous for painting with a drip technique; a leader of abstract expressionism in America (1912-1956)
Examples for "Pollock"
Examples for "Pollock"
1Good Morning Wales reporter India Pollock looks back at the airport's history.
2And his input was absolutely vital at that time, Mr Pollock said.
3But as Amy Pollock reports the controversial issue hasn't gone away entirely.
4All proceeds go to Special Olympics Ireland and the Mark Pollock Trust.
5I shall just have to Jackson Pollock it through decoupage one day.
1I shall just have to Jackson Pollock it through decoupage one day.
2So too were Jackson Pollock and Philip Guston, painting in the wings.
3Photograph: Alamy The art of Jackson Pollock is a modern mystery.
4Facebook Twitter Pinterest Abstract expressionist painter Jackson Pollock in his New York studio.
5This is a document to explain why Sidney should have a Jackson Pollock.
6What do Britney Spears, Elgar, Jackson Pollock and Virginia Woolf have in common?
7It looked as if Jackson Pollock had been under those trees, finding himself.
8And this is a Jackson Pollock or at least it looks like one.
9Ruth Kligman claimed Jackson Pollock painted her a lover's gift before he died.
10The snapshot showed a plump woman with apricot hair and Jackson Pollock makeup.
11Love Affair: A Memoir of Jackson Pollock by Ruth Kligman.
12A Jackson Pollock, that technique per se, that is not much of a mystery.
13Later on it was evident that anyone's notes should have resembled a Jackson Pollock.
14He wondered if Jackson Pollock had been inspired by something so simple, so organic.
15Entertainment kingpin David Geffen sold his Jackson Pollock painting No.
16Looking through to the aft cabin was like staring into a Jackson Pollock painting.
Translations for Jackson Pollock