King of Denmark and Norway who forced Edmund II to divide England with him; on the death of Edmund II, Canute became king of all England (994-1035)
1End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Shallow Soil, by Knut Hamsun
2One fine day the handsome, merry Knut drove with her to church.
3And the hero of Knut Hamsun's Hunger is surely the politest rebel ever.
4England was one great battlefield for many a year after Knut had died.
5Know thou, stranger, King Knut is more than king of men.
6Upland Knut, who had always been alone, now came to live at Kampen.
7The men of our crew were Mats, Pehr, Anders, Ole, Knut, and Roar.
8If you know Knut Hamsun's stories, then you guess it instantly.
9We are told about Abraham, Moses, Prince Siddartha, Clovis, Attila, Godwin, and Knut.
10There was all of Knut Hamsun, all of Sherwood Anderson, all of Jack London.
11But over and over, the signature written was Knut Hamsun.
12There was a field labourer named Upland Knut, at whose side Arne often worked.
13That was Knut King of England- arareman I have heard my father say.
14However, the cobbler's bench saw no more of Knut Hamsun.
15There was not much sentiment about Knut; but he let his wife have her way.
16On their account Knut wanted to dispense with the fiddlers-itwas too old-fashionedand peasant-like