Perennial subshrub of the Canary Islands having usually pale yellow daisylike flowers; often included in genus Chrysanthemum.
Examples for "marguerite"
Examples for "marguerite"
1Family solidarity was gone with the wind; Marguerite had seen to that.
2He and Marguerite Long toured 20 cities in Europe with the concerto.
3No more barriers, my Marguerite; we love; what matters all the rest?
4The General and his wife had returned home in advance of Marguerite.
5In short, say nothing to Marguerite, and bring her back to Paris.
1Glory answered, Dan's favorite flowers were the marguerite daisies that reseed themselves every year.
2Marguerite daisies and lady's-slipper glimmered white and gold in the lush grass, preserved here in the intense peace of the fortifications.
1A total of 2579 non-fertilized chrysanthemum ovules pollinated by Argyranthemum frutescens were cultured in vitro to isolate haploid progeny.
1In the adjacent white garden more box encloses pure-white phlox, silvery cardoons and huge pots of Paris daisies.