The ninth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about November 22 to December 21.
Examples for "Sagittarius"
Examples for "Sagittarius"
1Second only to Sagittarius, Aquariuses love people who are sure of themselves.
2Try to avoid this, Sagittarius, because as a strategy it will fail!
3Unlike the fellow fire sign Sagittarius, Leos are quite magnified by appearances.
4Security problems around the Tampakan site have restricted fieldwork by Sagittarius personnel.
5Now three of the characters clearly represent respectively Mercury, Aquarius, and Sagittarius.
1They just want the data, David Archer, of Statistics New Zealand, said.
2Torquil said he did not think it was fair on Archer either.
3She also copied the paper Archer had scrawled his new entries on.
4It's a good place and nearby. Archer handed Gannon a large envelope.
5Currently, about 20 percent of Archer Farms coffee is fair trade certified.
1Some sort of darkness, dripping from the pointed arrow, nocked into the bow of Sagittarius the archer.
Translations for Sagittarius the Archer