A family of North American Indian languages spoken by the Sioux.
Examples for "Siouan "
Examples for "Siouan "
1 Certain Siouan Indians think: The stars are all deceased men.
2 Muskhogean tribes were potters, but Siouan tribes, as a rule, in all the Mississippi drainage were not.
3 The data also support both the Macro - Siouan hypothesis and a relatively recent intrusion of Northern Iroquoians into the Northeast.
4 A large amount of gene flow has occurred between Siouan - and Algonquian-speaking groups, probably due to an Algonquian intrusion into the Northeast.
5 Descended mainly from Cheraw and related Siouan speakers, the Lumbee have occupied what is now Robeson County since the eighteenth century.
Grammar, pronunciation and more
Translations for Siouan language