Methods: One hundred and eighteen patients with abnormalPap smears were included.
The majority of patients (68%) were referred for colposcopy for persistent mildly abnormalPap smears.
Overall, 14.5 percent of women had abnormalPap tests and 85.5 percent had normal tests.
Independent predictors of both recent and annual screenings included history of an abnormalPap test, being heterosexual, and annual medical visits.
Most HSIL was detected within 1 year of the initial abnormalPap smear and the majority of intervening Pap smears also were abnormal.
Conclusions: HR-HPV infection was highly prevalent in both cohorts and associated with an increased risk of abnormalPap smears and biopsy proven CIN2+.
Surprisingly, incomplete HPV vaccination with two or fewer doses of the vaccine was not associated with a lower risk of having an abnormalPap test.